RESOURCES & TOOLS2020-06-02T10:03:25+00:00

1501, 2025

UrbanShift- Urban Challenges

Urban Shift is a project aimed at reaching the goals of the EU Green Deal by providing ground-breaking innovations for fighting climate change in urban areas. The project creates a Living Ecosystem where educational institutions and businesses implement a Living […]

505, 2020

BUILD Solutions website

BUILD Solutions hub for information (on events, workshops, publications etc.) setted up in order to attract visitors. It offers information about the project, its ambition, goals and results, partners etc. The web platform is dedicated entirely to this educational project’s […]

505, 2020

ATHIKA website

ATHIKA (Advanced Training in Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance) project website which act as the first point of contact for many stakeholders and provide a portal to the project results, in particular the outcomes of the knowledge alliance programme on health […]

Learning resources for Secondary school

1110, 2015

Learn Statistics

Learning resources for Primary school