At Ersilia we like to connect people and knowledge from different disciplines and facilitate generative dialogues that allow collective thinking and shared visions. We offer training schools and workshops that are designed using active deep learning approaches, helping to develop higher order skills as critical thinking, self & collective awareness, system and future thinking and the capacity to be agile, flexible and adaptable.
These are some examples:
Training School on Inter and Transdisciplinary Urban Research
This Training School provide methodological foundations and experience in designing and implementing inter/ transdisciplinary urban research.The Training School is organised around a common framework of sustainable urban research and problem solving based on the interplay [...]
Training Course on the Analysis of Projects of Public Interest: Technical, Economical, Financial and Legal Aspects
From the conviction that the increasing complexity of investment and / or regulation projects require the integration of technical, economic and legal knowledge and with the aim of offering a space for discussion to management [...]
Training School: A co-creation experience through Theory U journey
Centred on the question of how universities can be a positive force for transformation and change towards a more sustainable future. The programme invited participants to explore the specific challenges of Inter and transdisciplinary knowledge and co-creation, and [...]
Examples of workshops aimed at secondary & primary school students
Science Café: How will we live in 2050? Visions & Future Scenarios
In this workshop we will invite participants to explore the future in a systematic, rational way, using a scenario-based methodology. This workshop is part of the Barcelona Public Libraries Programme "Monday is for Science" Date: [...]
What if the villages were designed by the children?
In Ersilia we like to promote the participation of children and youth in urban planning projects and studies, both to hear their ideas and proposals as to strength their sense of belonging to the place [...]
Learning by doing research
At Ersilia we have a long history of promoting research in high schools. For more than 10 years we have been virtual tutoring high school students in their research work (requirement of Secondary Education Institutes [...]